It's long been common knowledge that guys have always been far more limited than gals when it comes to clothing design. If you venture out to buy a top, you can guarantee it'll either be a plain colour, striped or checked. That or, heaven forbid, it'll have one of those soul-diminishing slogans that proudly reads "please return to the bar" (or something).
But my dear whipper-snappers, do not despair! For I have recently discovered a surge of what can only be described as 'speckled' items entering the marketplace. Subtle, and yet full of big old impact, I find this new style really interesting because of the effect it can have on an outfit as a whole. The effect is one of slap-dash "couldn't-care-less" attitude, with the pattern looking quite distressed and worn, and I think, if put together correctly, it can bring a really different feel to an outfit.
These are a few of my favourite pieces that I've spotted.

The problem with this 'speckled' design pattern is that the detail can be so minute that you may not be able to tell from the photo what I'm even spouting about...! These are in the Topman sale for only £25 (I snatched some up the other week) and they're from the shop's "Ltd" collection, which I suppose must hint at higher quality... The charcoal colour is pretty versatile, and even though they're dressed on the model with a shirt, I've been wearing them more as casual trousers, with hi-top trainers or big old brown leather boots. The trousers immediately smarten an outfit up, but because of the speckled print they still retain this casual, quickly-put-together image.
Another piece currently at a reduced price (I found it in an Urban Outfitters store), but at over £100 it's still quite pricey. This woollen cardigan by APC is grey, but because of the multi-coloured speckled effect it has splashed across it, in navy blues and deep reds (amongst others), the colouring of it is unique. I even think it gives off a pink kind of hue. The mannequin wearing it on the website has the cardigan fitted with a pale blue shirt underneath, but if you're a slim shady character like me, then I think it works well if the cardigan is slightly over-sized.
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